About Dick Biondi
Richard Orlando Biondi was born in Endicott, New York, in 1932 to Rose and Michael Biondi, a homemaker and a fireman. Growing up in the Italian neighborhood known as The Nob, Dick described himself as a kid who was always yakking. A devout Catholic, he intended to enter the priesthood. But things changed when 8-year-old Dick discovered a local radio station. Fascinated, he returned again and again. Until one day, he was invited into the studio and asked to read a commercial on the air. Upon returning home, his family announced, "We heard you on the radio!" At that moment, Dick's dream of becoming a radio announcer was born.
In 1950 Biondi began his career playing "race" records in the deep South and soon after discovered rock' n' roll. At his early record hops, he introduced Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bobby Darin, and Paul Anka and continued promoting many artists' careers. In Buffalo, his Wild I-Tralian persona and 'sticking it to the boss' routine earned Biondi a reputation for being a rebel deejay. Finally, in 1961 and 62, Dick's dreams came true at WLS-AM in Chicago when his wildly popular radio show made him America's #1 Disc Jockey. In February 1963, Biondi became the first deejay to play a Beatles record in the U.S. In LA, he introduced the Beatles and the Rolling Stones in concert. Dick is proud to say he's been fired 25 times during his 6-decade career, often due to his hot temper and clashes with management. Yet, through the years, Biondi maintained his love of radio and music while creating a lasting bond with his audience.
A proud Italian-American who kept his real name throughout his career, Biondi brought unique entertainment to generations of radio listeners. He was exciting, fun, and loved to clown around, But Dick had a big heart when it came to young people. At his annual Dick Biondi Toy Drive, Dick brought Christmas joy to countless needy children. Always eager to help, Dick Biondi used his gifts to uplift and support others.
About the director
Pam Enzweiler-Pulice grew up during the 1950s and 1960s in Villa Park, Illinois, a blue-collar suburb of Chicago. From a young age Pam’s interests were always creative. She listened to music, directed the neighborhood kids in a play, and wrote stories. During a low point in her late twenties, Pam destroyed her “childish” stories and poems in a fire. But the creative urges persisted.
“It wasn't until I was well into my sixties that I truly followed my heart and believed in myself,” says Pam. “At the age of 77, I finally realized a creative dream by making the Dick Biondi film.” Persistence paid off but the creative pursuit has been quite a journey.
In 1969 Pam became a mom to daughter Michelle. Pam married, divorced, and was a single working mom in the restaurant business, but all that time she engaged in one creative activity after another. When she wasn’t learning to play the drums at open mics, she was writing children's stories. Eventually, Pam wrote a documentary script to save a local movie palace from the wrecking ball. The documentary never materialized into a film, but it ignited her passion for getting behind the camera, interviewing people, and crafting stories in the editing suite.
By 2003 Pam was a grandmother to five boys and found a creative niche—running her own independent video studio called Dreaming Mimi Productions. But it wasn’t until 2014, during retirement, that she took a giant leap of faith to research, shoot, and interview world famous musicians and radio stars to honor her friend and mentor, Dick Biondi. “Dick gave me his blessing and generously provided photos and a list of celebrities to include in the project,” says Pam.
On June 26, 2023, Dick died at the age of 90. But his story lives on in The Voice That Rocked America® The Dick Biondi Film. After a lifetime of trying to find her creative calling, and a decade of struggling to make her documentary tribute, Pam’s advice to anyone with a dream is, “Never give up. Never."
About the filmmakers
MEET THE TEAM behind the movie.
Reel Stories Productions LLC
About Reel Stories
Reel Stories Productions is an independent production company based in Chicago, dedicated to art, music, and entertainment. Our mission is to present and promote creative expression through interviews, performances, and storytelling, and to produce stories with heart.